The Diboll Police Department is dedicated to providing the best quality police service to the citizens of Diboll and to those who visit our city. We are committed to the principles of justice and equality and carefully select and train the best possible employees to support that commitment. To ensure employee understanding of the importance of fair and equal treatment, departmental policy strictly prohibits racial profiling.
Racial profiling is defined by the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure as a law enforcement-initiated action based on an individual's race, ethnicity, or national origin rather than on the individual's behavior or on information identifying the individual as having engaged in criminal activity.
Complaints of racial profiling, as with other complaints against department personnel, may be lodged with the Police Chief or with any supervisor in the Police Department. Complaints may also be made by phone, the internet, or in person at the Diboll Police Department.
Diboll Police Department
400 Kenley Street
Diboll, TX 75941
Police Chief Michael Skillern
A racial profiling complaint should be made in a timely manner after the incident so that the details are readily available to the investigation supervisor and prompt attention can be focused to correct and/or discipline an officer acting in an unacceptable manner. If you feel you have been racially profiled, it is your responsibility to file a formal complaint. Get the officer's name and identification number. They are required to give you this information if you ask.
Additional provisions of law require the collection of certain information related to each motor vehicle stop. Officers are required to document information related to each motor vehicle stop where a citation was issued or an arrest was made. Officers are also required to document any search conducted as a result of the motor vehicle stop. Annual reports will be made to the Texas Commission of Law Enforcement Standards and Education and the Diboll City Council concerning data reported for the previous calendar year. In compliance with state law, data collection related to motor vehicle stops began on January 1, 2010.
Newly hired recruits as well as tenured officers and supervisors receive classroom training on the state law and department policy and procedures related to racial profiling. Such training is mandated by the new law and standardized through the Texas Commission of Law Enforcement Standards and Education, the regulatory agency charged with establishing, implementing, and maintaining standards for peace officers of The Great State of Texas.
The Diboll Police Department is committed to taking action when its employees have proven derelict in their duties or are found guilty of wrongdoing. If it becomes necessary for you to make a complaint, you can be assured that it will be thoroughly investigated in a fair and unbiased manner.