New Residents
Enjoy Diboll! We're glad you chose to make your home here along with approximately 5,400 other residents who enjoy our high quality of life.
We often get questions about schools, neighborhood associations, the political structure, and how one hooks up his water, wastewater, electric, and gas. This page provides you the links to investigate the steps you need to follow to get yourself "set up."
Diboll contracts with Pineywoods Sanitation to provide curbside recycling and garbage collection service for all residential customers. Residents are provided one 96-gallon container. Garbage will be collected once per week. The only holidays are Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day, if they fall on a collection day.
The electricity transmission and service provider is Oncor. In most areas of the City, electric service is open to competition; check with your builder or Realtor to be certain. To learn about the retail service options available, visit
Gas is provided by Centerpoint Energy. Please contact them to set up these utilities. Their customer service number for East Texas is 1-800-259-5544.
Water, wastewater, and garbage pickup are billed through the City's Utility Department.
In order to start new service, you must provide the following:
Renters should also bring a copy of their rental agreement to verify move-in date.
Deposit and New Service Fees can be paid at City Hall at 400 Kenley during regular business.
Deposits and new service fees are as follows:
Deposit Homeowner - $125
Deposit Renter - $175
New Service Fee - $25
The Diboll Independent School District (DISD) serves Diboll and parts of Angelina County. In some states, city governments administer the school district. In Texas, however, school districts are independent tax entities with their own taxing authority and governing board. Questions about the school system should be directed to the DISD.
The Diboll Independent School District (DISD) serves Diboll and parts of Angelina County. In some states, city governments administer the school district. In Texas, however, school districts are independent tax entities with their own taxing authority and governing board. Questions about the school system should be directed to the DISD.
Neighborhood Associations
Depending on the subdivision in which you live, there may be a neighborhood association which can be either an informal group of individuals who get together to socialize or are formed for more formal purposes as defined by deed restrictions or to maintain agreements between the home owners and developers. Please ask your realtor for more information.
Depending on the subdivision in which you live, there may be a neighborhood association which can be either an informal group of individuals who get together to socialize or are formed for more formal purposes as defined by deed restrictions or to maintain agreements between the home owners and developers. Please ask your realtor for more information.
City Services
City services that have a direct impact on the public include Police, Fire, Library, Parks and Recreation, Engineering and Development, Transportation, and Utility.
City services that have a direct impact on the public include Police, Fire, Library, Parks and Recreation, Engineering and Development, Transportation, and Utility.